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Being the artistic geniuses that they are, The Blumpkins aren't just satisfied creating amazing music and lyrical content. They also dabble in art, the stock market, and poetry. Namely, Haiku Poetry.

hai-ku - n. pl. haiku, also haikus - A Japanese lyric verse form having three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables, traditionally invoking an aspect of nature or the seasons.

Being mainly an educational band, the following haiku's were written by Jughead McAnus. Feel free to critique them as you see fit...


I am going to crap
The bowl will be filled with shit
tears flow from my eyes
Molson is my drink
Labbatt's makes my dick go stiff
Beer. God Bless it's heart
Liquid from my ass
I have the squirts. fuckin' hell
please no, not again
I need to get head
Blow my wad into her mouth
or tits. or back. yes.
I can fuck for hours
The stamina comes easy
Too late...gonna blow

The Blumpkins, we rule

Shitting and singing all day

We're gonna be rich.

 ® The Splashing Blumpkins is a trademark of Toilet Rock Enterprises. All Rights Reserved. And some lefts.

© Toilet Rock Enterprises is a joint venture between Impacted Stool Enterprises and Bloody Urinals Incorporated.