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Scott Rutan - Guitars, Vocals, Bass, Songwriter

Scott is 1/3 of the ground-breaking band 'The Bloody Urinals', and this label comes with many responsibilties...namely cleaning up brother Larry's vomit and defecation after a long, hard night in the studio. He's known in the Toilet Rock circles as 'Mr. Riff' because the man pulls almost as many riffs out of his ass as record-breaking turds. As a small child, Scott realized that his calling in life involved both music and toilets...it wasn't until he was 17 yrs old that his parents broke him of his habit of shitting his pants while singing the diarrhea song.

Scott was voted "Sideburns Of The Year" by Toilet Rock Magazine in 2002.

Scott plays xxxxx guitars, uses xxxxx amps, and xxxxx effects.

Larry Rutan - Bass, Vocals, Songwriter

Larry is the typical bassist...the strong, silent type. Luckily, we can smell him from 50 yds away so we always know when he's around. Larry has spent the last few years as another driving force in The Bloody Urinals, and it was his penis that was the subject of their hit 'My Weenis'. Since the release of that single, Larry has received letters of condolence from all over the globe.

Because Larry looks strikingly similar to Eric Bloom of Blue Oyster Cult (see picture right), he has seen his fair share of groupies. The down-side you ask?...when the groupies ask him to sing 'Godzilla', and Larry responds with "Rock n Roll Retard", he's usually left alone to make love to his pillow/sock/kleenex/jar of mayonnaise.

Larry plays xxxxx basses exclusively....but endorsement deals are always welcome.

Chris Boston - Vocals, Producer, Manager

Chris is the only talented member of TSB. With her fine set of lungs (vocals, you fucking pervs) she has always been the 'x' factor in The Bloody Urinals. She has set them apart from all the other thousands of Toilet Rock bands out there...and The Splashing Blumpkins are happy to have her in their family.

It's a little-known fact that Chris is the Producer of all The Bloody Urinals music...no small task considering that she has to wade thru hundreds of hours of recorded farts, shits, and puking sessions. No Producer before or since Chris has been able to produce a watery shit like she can.

Chris is the masturbatory model of toilet rock fans everywhere. It's a little-known fact that Jughead has pulled a few loads to her picture as well.

Jughead McAnus - Guitar, Vocals, Bass, Songwriter, Chronic Masturbator

What can we say about Jughead that hasn't already been said? The man is a legend in the Brown Metal / Toilet Rock genre. Starting with "The New Goatshaggers" and 'The Ringstingers", he quickly moved up to 'Gunt' and then finally formed SHITE with some friends from his past.

Shite quickly moved up the Toilet Rock charts, to compete head-to-head with The Bloody Urinals for the Kings Of Toilet Rock crown. Luckily, the competition was well-received by all parties, allowing this history-making collaboration to take place.

Jughead plays ESP and Fender guitars, uses Randall amps, and engages in solo sex several times a day. He has a pieced eyebrow, and on nights out to the local leather bar, it's attached by a chain to his 'gooch', which has resulted in many trips to the hospital to have his 'taint' stitched up. OUCH.

 ® The Splashing Blumpkins is a trademark of Toilet Rock Enterprises. All Rights Reserved. And some lefts.

© Toilet Rock Enterprises is a joint venture between Impacted Stool Enterprises and Bloody Urinals Incorporated.