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Welcome to The Splashing Blumpkins v 2.0! The Splashing Blumpkins is a joint project between Brown Metal kings The Bloody Urinals and Shite...such a pairing has never been seen in the Brown Rock world. Let me take you back a few months to the fateful meeting...

Jughead McAnus of Shite was searching the internet for independent music that could hold a candle to his own music...full of heavy riffs, thumping bass, and toilet lyrics. He found such a band in The Bloody Urinals. Juggy left a comment on TBU's IUMA website, praising them for their amazing work, and he actually got an email back praising him in the same context. A friendship was born. Jughead from Shite and Scott from TBU began talking about their mutual love of farting, bowel movements, and anything to do with toilets...The Blumpkins were born!!!

The Splashing Blumpkins are hard at work at their first album, tentatively titled 'The Toilet Conspiracy'. Worship TBU and Shite while they get their shit together for their stunning new material...

Nov 25, 2003 - Another new song here. Again on the anal theme, it's called Butt Plug. It's still in demo form, but it'll knock the ass outta ya.

Nov 11, 2003 - New song posted here. It's called ARSE, and you will like it.

Oct 1, 2003 - Links to our MP3's posted, and 3 new wallpapers posted here.

Sept 30, 2003 - A new look for the website, plus a new page...CELEBRITY SHITS. Check it out here.



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 ® The Splashing Blumpkins is a trademark of Toilet Rock Enterprises. All Rights Reserved. And some lefts.

© Toilet Rock Enterprises is a joint venture between Impacted Stool Enterprises and Bloody Urinals Incorporated.